Friday, July 18, 2008

2nd attempt at embroidery

Here is Sarah's attempt at embroidery. Again, we did it on an old kitchen flour sack towel from my drawer. Good thing because I didn't check to make sure we had all the extra part of the towel out from under the embroidery area and we stitched a corner in with a small part of the design - oh, well - just learning. We'll remember from now on. I also didn't quite get the design in the spot I wanted - again, we're just learning. I can see that this will be a trial and error deal.


Jane said...

He is gorgeous

Dennis, Rose and our Clan said...

It looks good and the embroidery part seems to be working just fine!! You will get beter at the centering and finguring out where it will go.

Hint: they have a button that will show you where the design will go aead of time once you hoop it. That way you can tell pretty much where it will be.

Have fun playing as I still have days I play with a new funtion I am trying to learn on mine. And I have had this machine for over a year.