Saturday, April 19, 2008

Very Excited!

I got to buy a new camera tonight and I am VERY, VERY excited!!!

I have a Canon EOS Rebel 35mm camera that we bought before Hannah was born and I just absolutely love it! However, as we all know, cameras went digital. So, about 4 years ago or so I bought an HP R707 point and shoot digital camera and I really liked it. So, pretty much my 35mm camera has been sitting in the camera bag on the shelf in my closet collecting dust (I think there was a dust bunny living in the pocket!). Well, my point and shoot digital bit the dust (at least I think it did). It could be the battery but the new batteries are $50 and I really wanted a more sophisticated camera so I really don't want to spend the $50 to "find out" if it is my camera or not.

Well, I have been looking at the Canon EOS Rebel XTI and had pretty much decided that this is the one I want since I like my 35mm in the same camera. At the camera shop in Topeka today they wanted $700 (YIKES!!). However, I came home and did some searching on the net and found it for $489. My sweet, loving husband (cough, cough) was kind enough to let me buy it. Therefore, I have been walking around the house doing what the girls call the "cabbage patch" dance, saying "I got my camera, I got my camera!" They think I have lost my marbles.

The other cool thing is that when we bought the 35mm camera the lens that came with it was 35-80mm and then I bought one that was 75mm -300mm. Well, I can use these lenses with the new camera!

Anyway, if you couldn't tell - I am VERY excited.

Here is a link to the website that I bought it from if you want to take a looksee!! :o)