Well, we got report cards this last week. Sarah has all A+'s except she had one A. Hannah brought home 5 A's and 2 B's and 1 C. The C was in Orientation and Mobility (this is her class that teaches her how to get around as a blind person).
Sarah always gets A's and we are very proud of her. However, I have to congratulate Hannah on her Report Card as this is the best one she has had in a VERY long time and we are proud of her for her accomplishment this year. She has really matured and seems to be enjoying school this year.
Hard to believe that the first quarter of school is done!!
Sarah has been practicing for the high school's musical that will be in a couple of weeks. She will no more than get done with that and basketball practice will start on the 17th of November then they will have about a 1 week break after basketball and she is on to softball til the end of school. I have a feeling this year will fly by!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Report Cards
Posted by Kyra at 9:48 PM 0 comments
MRI's completed
I had both of my MRI's yesterday. One of the neck and one of the brain with and without dye. The tech said that they should have them read by the radiologist within four days and then I will get a copy of the report. I suppose that if they find anything I will hear from the doctor sometime next week.
I pray that they don't find anything and if they don't - then what?? Something has to be causing the "muscle spasms" and the weakness on my left side. I guess we'll have to cross that bridge when we get to it. In the meantime - I wait!!
I will update as soon as I hear something.
Posted by Kyra at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sarah's Confirmation
Posted by Kyra at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
R. I. P. Zorro
This is Zorro as a baby (June 2006).
Zorro loved to lay on top of the computer tower while you were in the office. He would just hang out there while you surfed the net.
He love to go for rides on the baby gate that we have between the kitchen and the hallway (this is so the dogs don't eat the cat food and get into the litter box). If you opened the gate he would sit up there and you could swing the gate back and forth and he would hang on and enjoy the ride.
Posted by Kyra at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Machine is up and running!!!
Yeah!! I got the part for my machine yesterday evening. I didn't get to do anything with my machine last night though because I had a sorority meeting and was only home long enough to scarf down my supper, load the car with some stuff to take to the meeting and leave (about 20 minutes). Then I didn't get home until 9:30 pm. So, I put the part on this morning and got the machine going this evening. I have done a hooded towel hood and I am working on the big towel to the crab towel set. However, I have to leave for church choir practice in about 20 minutes so I don't know that I will get anything else done tonight.
Posted by Kyra at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Broken embroidery machine
Well, I broke my embroidery machine yesterday. I was VERY upset. It comes with 4 different standard hoops and when you select one of those hoops on the machine to use it shows you a picture on the screen. The outside edge of the hoop is in black, the inside "safe" area (this is where the needle can safely embroider without hitting the hoop) is in red and your design is in blue.
Well, you can purchase other size hoops for the machine but you have to enter it manually - so I did that. Well, not realizing that it doesn't indicated the "safe" area for you and even though I did a trace (the machine moves the needle around the hoop "tracing" the shape of the design to show you where the placement will be) and didn't have any problems - when it was stitching out the presser foot hit the hoop and it broke the needle. So, I changed the needle and put something else on the machine in a different hoop (using the same design though). Well, when that hoop moved, apparently the pressure foot was bent and I didn't realize it because it caught on the edge of the different hoop and REALLY bent. I was so upset because this is not an inexpensive machine and I just knew that Mark was going to be mad.
Well, he wasn't - he said to just order the part. He said some parts are meant to break so that you don't damage bigger parts. From what I can tell that is the only thing that is wrong. Still I was very upset. And, I am trying to get ready for a craft show that I have in 2 weeks and it doesn't help having my machine down.
Posted by Kyra at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Test results
Well, I got my first test results back from the neurologist on Friday. I ended up going to visit Dr. R again because I had another "episode" of what happened in July. Of course, by the time they could get me in to see Dr. R. I wasn't having an "episode". However, she is very concerned and wants to get my MRI moved up sooner from the October 28th date that I have.
The test results from the EEG came back normal. However, she said that normal doesn't mean that I am not having seizures. An abnormal EEG would confirm that that is what was going on. So, I guess that test didn't do any bit of good.
I guess we'll have to see how soon she can get the MRI moved up to and go from there. She told me that she could put me on seizure medicine if I wanted her to but I told her no. There is no sense in putting me on medication that I don't even or may not even need. I'll wait for the MRI results, thank you.
The whole deal with the MRI is that they can do it on Ft. Riley but they were more than 30 days out so Tricare was going to refer me off post. Well, Tricare wanted more information from the Dr. as to why I had to have it done because an MRI for a family member has to have a "second level" approval (whatever that means). Well, my records from the first visit to Dr. R were out for dictation and by the time they would get them back and get them to Tricare and we'd go through the whole approval process it would probably take about a month so that is why I am scheduled on Ft. Riley on October 28th.
Now, since Dr. R doesn't want me to wait that long - she is going to use my office visit to her on Friday to submit to Tricare and she is putting "urgent" on the MRI request so hopefully I will know something sooner and can get it done off post in the next week or so. I'll keep everyone posted on that.
Posted by Kyra at 9:28 PM 0 comments