Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Report Cards

Well, we got report cards this last week. Sarah has all A+'s except she had one A. Hannah brought home 5 A's and 2 B's and 1 C. The C was in Orientation and Mobility (this is her class that teaches her how to get around as a blind person).

Sarah always gets A's and we are very proud of her. However, I have to congratulate Hannah on her Report Card as this is the best one she has had in a VERY long time and we are proud of her for her accomplishment this year. She has really matured and seems to be enjoying school this year.

Hard to believe that the first quarter of school is done!!

Sarah has been practicing for the high school's musical that will be in a couple of weeks. She will no more than get done with that and basketball practice will start on the 17th of November then they will have about a 1 week break after basketball and she is on to softball til the end of school. I have a feeling this year will fly by!!!