Sunday, February 03, 2008

Ready for SPRING!!!

Today was rainy and miserable. It couldn't decide what it wanted to do. It wasn't doing anything when I got up this morning a 6:45. Then it was spitting a little the first time I took the dogs out. The next time I took them out it was raining. Then about an hour or so later it had stopped and the sun was shining. Then it just got cloudy. Mark had to work today (thank goodness since he's been off the last 2 weeks and was driving me bonkers) and since Sunday's are also the days that we take Hannah back to school I drove her up to his work (Sarah and I usually go but we had choir practice) and it was still overcast, it was drizzling and then the wind started to pick up some (imagine that - wind in Kansas). I think it only got to 36 degrees. By the time Mark got back at 5 pm from taking Hannah to Kansas City it was foggy. I am SOOOOOO ready for SPRING!!! I am DEFINITELY tired of winter!!!

Sarah and I had Community Choir practice this afternoon at church. Our Community Choir sings an Easter Cantata on Palm Sunday every year. This is Sarah's first year singing in the choir. After that we came home and read our books and I decided to take a nap. I was tired but that's what I get for staying up until 12:30 this morning, scrapbooking with Sarah and then getting up so early.

The girls have been scrapbooking and Hobby Lobby had a sale on their books, buy one get one free. So, I decided that I was going to scrap book our wedding pictures. This is my new project for now. The girls do a really good job of putting their pages together. Sometimes, mine go together good and other times they just don't seem to fall together very easily. Oh well, the scrapbook is better than the "old time" photo album they were in. The kind that you pull the plastic protector back, insert the photos onto the grippy stuff and put the plastic back down and their supposed to be that way "forever". Yeah right!! The grippy stuff doesn't stay "grippy" forever and they were starting to fall out of the album. Hence, my scrapbooking project. Maybe once I can figure out what's wrong with my camera, my camera dock or whatever isn't letting it charge then I'll take a couple of pictures of the scrapbook and post them.